Those liquid detergent pods can clean more than just dishes. From ovens to countertop appliances, the possibilities of streamlined cleaning are endless.
Refrigerators typically need wipe-downs rather than full-depth cleaning, so it's easy to dissolve a pod in a bowl of warm water and proceed with a sponge or soft cloth as usual.
For the oven, take the pod straight to the door panel. Dampen it in warm water, grasp it between glove-clad fingers, and scrub away.
Cookware can soak with a dissolved pod before wiping off loosened food particles. Pods also work well for reaching crevices in small countertop appliances.
A toothbrush and pod can remove stains from grout lines, and a pod in a bucket of water is an easy floor-cleaning solution. For sinks, hot water and a pod loosen grime or grease.
For cleaning outdoor kitchens, let dishwasher pods come along. Spiff up deck appliances and furniture with a handful of pods and a small bowl of warm water.